

Welcome to The Very Simon G. My blog has been going for nearly a decade, but there ain’t getting away from me just yet! Come in for fashion, fun and everything in between. Enjoy!

Crystal Dachshund bags anyone?

Crystal Dachshund bags anyone?

If ever there was a time we needed cheering up, it was now. And what better way than to treat yourself to a fully crystal embellished Dachshund clutch bag?!

DUH! You just didn’t know you needed one.

OK, so really there ain’t nowhere to go right now to even warrant a clutch bag, but these by Judith Leiber - the late designer renowned for her whimsy, novelty, magical take on evening bags that happened to ALL sparkle - don’t need an occasion.

They are equally great to admire on a mantle piece as they are carrying your essentials on a long-awaited night out. Ya know - lippy, eye liner, bank card and keys.

There are three designs, you can see them here, but they aren’t cheap… coming in at about £3,600.

Listen, you’ve always known I have expensive taste!

A week in style...

A week in style...

Today I'm Loving... CASABLANCA!

Today I'm Loving... CASABLANCA!