As usual, I'm totes loving the British high street at the moment, especially after just coming back from Spain and being less than impressed with the men's choices!
Here goes...
All about the jumpers! Love this cream cable knit from Jack Wills, £129; black and white square jumper, fits SO well, Zara £39.99

Red alert... gingham detachable tie shirt, Vivienne Westwood at £259; and cute little monkey jumper, £34.99 River Island

I bought this asymmetric Tee from Topman, so comfy! £7; and are these too much for Fashion Week?? Bright patchwork boots from Irregular Choice, £85
My mum bought this, it looks INSANE on, like Prada, only Tesco! £20; loving this extra long cardi, £75 ASOS

Feather's are big news for winter. Buy some from River Island with this skirt, £59.99; and for the same price, this coat is a must-have, £59.99 H&M

Cover up with this gorge lace number, £38 Miss Selfridge; draping done well, £75 Topshop