When I went to see the preview of the Anna Dello Russo for H&M accessory collection I nearly passed out with amazing sensory overload. Imagine my reaction when I received an invitation to go to the launch party in Paris.
Well last week that's exactly what I did. After screaming with excitement at my iPhone for at least two days, off I went, along with the gorgeous girls at the H&M press office and some journalist mates, on the Eurostar for the night to attend the party. Lavish doesn't even cover it.
Firstly, the Banke Hotel in the centre of Paris is probably the best hotel I've stayed at for a long time. The moment you walk through the ornate gold doors you're hit with the most amazing aroma. And, what's more, the bellboys are all dressed as bank robbers; striped tees, tracksuit bottoms and caps. Quirky and fun.
Anyway anyway anyway, I digress. The Paradis Latin, one of Paris' leading burlesque clubs in the Fifth District, was home to ADR's fabulous party. Sequin-clad ladies were handing out ADR masks, feathered headdresses and little pill box hats on entry. The first of the amazingness. Obviously I bought mine home, and is now a feature in my living room.
A massive gold boot - the same one from the collection - was sat in the middle of the big square bar. Gorgeous little desert canapes where being handed out, some with Anna's face printed on, big bowls of sweets everywhere and champagne by the bucket load. Along with Paris' finest fashion folk obviously - I spotted a guy in Dior's embroidered birds and a woman in next season - as in just been on the catwalk - Mary Katrantzou. Serious fashion here!
We waited for Anna to make her entrance. And what an entrance. On a huge, sparkly-rose adorned chair from the ceiling. Fashion Shower blasted out, and Anna waved and giggled from above us.
What was heart warming to see all evening was the amount of fun Anna was having. From the minute she landed on the stage until the moment she got whizzed out the venue, she was smiling, jumping up and down and squealing like an excitable kid. It was lovely to see. No diva behaviour (not like Azealia Banks, who, after her set, sat stone-faced opposite us for the rest of the night. No pictures allowed. Who does she think she is? Beyonce? Hmmm).

Even when Anna hopped onto the stage to join Azealia and was pulled off a second later by an un-informed security guard who obviously had no idea it was HER party, she still remained dignified and smiley. I LOVE HER.
Three little shows entertained us, all with Fashion Shower as a soundtrack. Anna Dello Russo look-a-like dancers using umbrellas as props, and once on a huge merry-go-round. It was quite the spectacle.
I've never seen extravagance like this party. Bottles of bubbly being handed out, the best dressed people I've ever seen, Anna Dello Russo in a cut out, sparkly Versace dress, gold everywhere... I want to live in an ADR kinda world.
Above: Chloe and Victoria from H&M, Lucy from Look magazine and I!
Below: ADR look-a-like dancers!
Here's a little vid of the evening, can you spot me in vintage Versace??
Loved. Every. Single. Second. Thanks H&M, you've made my year!
Some of my vids from the night...