I have a flick through Instagram just before I go to bed every night, you know, just to make sure I haven't missed anything, and usually it's the same old: some pictures of someone's dinner, the odd dog or cat and a half-naked man, but just now, as I scrolled through, I gasped out loud."What? What is it?" says the other half."It's... it's... Cher... she's. Just. Put. This. Up." I responded, almost out of breath.
Yes lovely reader, Cher has just shared with her 17,000 followers on Instagram the artwork for her single 'Woman's World' from her up coming album. And what's more, she's told us all that: "I'll be celebrating my new single 'Woman's World' with a performance on the finale of @NBCTheVoice on 6/18!".Oh my Christ. She looks AMAZING in the single artwork, and she's performing it on primetime television - the American version of The Voice unfortunately - what more could a gay ask for?Bring on the album Cher. Bring on a new world-wide tour.It's too much. I'm going to sleep now. Dreaming of Cher.