Wow, she certainly shook the music industry, in fact the whole world, to its very core this morning, didn't she? Queen Bey, back on top, back in the album charts, BACK IN BUSINESS, but all done so surprisingly. Like a big, fat, uber fabulous slap in the face with her new self-titled album.And I'm sure we all raced online to download it, and to view the 17 VIDEOS to sit along side each track too! WOW, she's been a busy mother! Obviously I've been pouring and hyperventilating over all the fashions, especially for 'Blow', where she wears this
£23,000 Versace fur coat I
blogged about a while back!!!!Eeeeeeeeek...

Bloody hell. The budget on her videos must be A LOT! It does look fabulous on her, and in fact I've been dying to see it on someone incredible. I just never thought it would be BEYONCE!!!Right, let's all go back to listening to the album. Goodbye.
Yours truly, The VSG x