A zoo in Japan is creating "the only jeans on earth designed by dangerous animals".WTF? How? Yup, that was exactly my reaction too. But they are. They (Kamine zoo) are wrapping tyres and big balls in denim, throwing them into the tiger, lion and bear enclosures and letting the animals do their worst on the fabric.They then go in, reclaim the shredded denim and create jeans out of the material. It's not, however, common practice in Japan. No no, three pairs will be auctioned off on Japan's Yahoo Auctions. The proceeds will then be used to preserve Kamine Zoo.
I just can't work out if this is genius or screams of exploitation. I don't like zoos, I won't visit them anymore, not since the horrific incident with the giraffe at Copenhagen zoo, but there's no stopping them. As long as people pay to get in, they'll stay open. So I guess if this zoo in Japan is going to keep big cats and bears, then this is one way to keep them occupied.And this whole thing does remind me of
Trine Lindegaard's 'Happiness' collection, where she worked with UK prisoners who helped with embroidery for the pieces of her collection, as part of the programmes within their prisons. These animals are, in effect, prisoners.Here's your options:

I hope whoever buys them has a tetanus before wearing them!
Yours truly, The VSG x