Sorry. There are limited witty headlines to use with Cher's name in. I like this one though!Anyway, in Cher news... she's back touring! Well I say touring - she's in Vegas now (at the Monte Carlo), then to Washington DC, then back to Vegas. That's like a mini, tiny tour. Of two cities. So not a tour at all. But you know, she needs the money!I'm so gutted I can't get out to see her. We were in Vegas in October last year. God forbid she could have rearranged her schedule to tie in with our trip! Hmmph.Anyway, Cher has been 'sharing' pictures from her new show on her social channels, and she looks friggin' AMAZING!
And in other Cher news, has everyone seen her scarf collection? No? You didn't know? Then you obviously don't follow her on Twitter or Instagram!She's teamed up with Vida, a collaborative brand that works with artists (and by that, I mean singers, painters, sculptors etc) across the world to produce unique and limited edition collections. This one is inspired by Cher's style and home - and in fact the video below was shot at Cher's Malibu house! You'll notice the resemblance of the colours and prints in her decor too...
Prices start from $95/£76, and they ship internationally! Will you be buying a Cher scarf? I like that it's not 'merch' in the true sense of the word, but you still get a slice of Cher!