"What the hell was that shirt you had on Instagram the other day?" asked a friend of mine."It was Junn.J and it was AMAZING!""Errrrrm define amazing." She replied.RUDE.This shirt, although it might look a bit odd, is the best thing I've had on my back for a long time. As you know by now, I don't really like anything too mainstream or generic. I don't actually own a plain striped shirt. So this is like next level shiz for me!A shirt attached to a shirt. Literally. That's it. A simple idea on paper, and amazing on execution.
I realise what a lot of you are thinking now - what's the point? - I just love it though! And also the whole of the new collection is quite amazing.Lots of oversized shapes, layering, cool illusions and stripes galore!See more of the collection below...[show_shopthepost_widget id="3053894"]