I'm. Obsessed. With. Printed. Shirts.Could you tell? If you follow me on Instagram (WHY DON'T YOU???) you'd have realised my obsession a while ago. It seems I'm incapable of passing a shop or clicking away from a printed delight without 'adding to basket'.
Weekday palm print shirt
It's like my credit card sighs every time it's used against one. It just knows. It's like it says: 'NOT ANOTHER ONE! PLEASE! NO!'But it just makes my wardrobe such a happy place...
ASOS x Glaad shirt
Who wants all-black anyway?? NOT ME! I used to just wear all black back when I was a lot bigger, then lost quite a bit of weight and wanted to add some colour. And I just haven't stopped.So it's not an ACTUAL obsession, I don't have to go to PSA (Printed Shirts Anonymous), but let's just call it a hobby?
ASOS leopard print shirt
River Island half/half shirt
Some other shirts I've got my eye on right now...
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