

Welcome to The Very Simon G. My blog has been going for nearly a decade, but there ain’t getting away from me just yet! Come in for fashion, fun and everything in between. Enjoy!

A week in style...

A week in style...

a week in style.jpg

Five outfits for the week ahead!

I love playing dress us. Have you noticed?

Not to go all deep and stuff, but I think the reason why I love fashion so much now is because when I was younger, I weighed a LOT more than I do now. I had zero confidence in myself and with my body. I hated my body. I constantly dressed in baggy black T-shirts, shying away from colour or print.

Well, I’ve made up for it now, haven’t I??

I was bored one day in lockdown, so put these looks together, for a bit of fun for me and maybe some inspiration for you! Enjoy.


Wednesday: ASOS skater print shirt (actually a dress)


Thursday: ASOS longline shacket, Rupaul T-shirt, ASOS sparkly trousers (old), Veja shoes from Sole Trader

Men, fancy a bit of couture???

Men, fancy a bit of couture???

Crystal Dachshund bags anyone?

Crystal Dachshund bags anyone?