Most of Alexander McQueens Summer 2009 collection is amaze, however there were a few pieces that are quite controversial. Obviously his catwalk collection is for the catwalk and won't translate to the stores, however some of the mens pieces are, well... you decide!The 'mankini' is the male bikini, and if you ask me, I hate it. I realise mens fashion is becoming more and more camp (through walking adverts like David Beckham etc) but do we really need men round the pool or on the beach screaming 'I really don't want strap marks today'!!?? Speedo's I can JUST about deal with (obviously not on me!), but I think this swim wear should be drowned - and quick! Having said that, I do like the colours and the womens proper bikini is stunning.
This interesting plastic and fabric combo top is... I'm just not sure. It would definately keep you dry in the rain, I'm just not sure if it would work in real life! Although the easily wipe down material might be a hit after a few messy nights out, I'm pretty sure if you put a lighter near it you'd go up in flames! Each to their own though. I guess I wouldnt turn a free one down, although pretty pants are a must and the love handles are a no no.
McQueens theme for the show was "Über-partying, über-glamour" with a twist of 70's and 80's disco and with his various jumpsuits, all-in-one tuxedos, sequins and percect tailored lines, I think he definately achieved it! Most of this particular collection had an intense focus on the body, creating 'new' lines with sheer fabric and I suppose in some lights the above plastic combo could be quite sexy on the right man, showing a bit of flesh. There was a fantastic mix of sensuality and mystery with a suit jacket, and a dress, with billowing smoke coils printed on them. I won't hold the 'mankini' against McQueen, he's an uber-faab designer!