I never really talk much about jewellery, I have no idea why actually. I love jewellery. Right now, while writing this post, I have three rings on, a bright orange watch on my left hand, a bracelet on the right and a Vivienne Westwood pendant round my neck (obviously!). Wow, I really do sound like something out of the A Team don't I!?
Anyway, on a recent trip to Italy I happened to pick up American Elle magazine and spotted a teeny tiny box with a small picture of the most fabulous jewels I've seen in a long while, namely Ayaka Nishi. Why the mention was so small is beyond me.
Ayaka Nishi, a Japanese designer who makes all the below amazing pieces from her workshop in New York, is inspired by all things nature which I guess is why I love it so much - I have an over whelming passion for nature and nature programmes, PLUS I'm a veggie.
On Ayaka's website it states that: "Ayaka believes that our ability to discover beauty in nature is an intrinsic quality that grew as we evolved within the natural world. Nature’s shapes look the way they do for a reason: a honey comb is hexagonal because that makes for the strongest structure." Everything she does, and says obviously, is right right right!
Take a look at these pieces and then tell me you're not itching to go buy it all!
Thanks Ayaka.

For more amazing pieces, visit Ayaka's website, www.ayakanishi.com.