Can you read what they say, lovely reader? It's the inspiration for Arkis' pre-fall 2013 collection. The first one reads: 'The great Amelia Earhart, the first woman to steer a plane across the Atlantic Ocean, had a lot of style. She lived her life with elegance and sportiness and defined modernity for women. It was right for her then as it's right today..." And the second says: "High in the sky, Amelia navigates in "The Canary" over the savannahs and steppes of Africa."And so my love affair with Akris pre-fall 2013 begins.Well, it actually began a week and half ago when I was in Monte Carlo for a mini break with the other half and Mummy G. If you haven't been to the principality, it's all about money money money. And us, having none, means we just get to window shop and ooh and aah at all the amazing 'stuff'.Going from shop to shop on one of the days, hunting for a dress for Mummy G to wear for my wedding, I was stopped in my tracks at the sight of Arkis' window, for before me... (how dramatic am I??) stood a mannequin... (drum roll) in head-to-toe... (OMG) camel prints. But not just a random, cartoony camel. It was a proper full on David Attenborough type, Planet Earth quality, image of many camels walking through a desert. I proceeded to drag mother and other into the shop.And so my love affair with Akris pre-fall 2013 began.
You see lovely reader, when I'm not talking, writing, styling fashion, I'm either eating, taking the dog for a walk, or watching David Attenborough programmes. Yes, I'm a closet nature freak. It's a not-so-guilty pleasure of mine. He absorbs me in. But other than his voice being buttery soft and hypnotizing, the cinematography is in a league of its own. Extraordinary and mind boggling. It's the clips of the camera crew's plane flying over a desert, with animals crossing it, that really gets me. Hence why this pre collection from Akris (a label known equally for it's gorgeous fabric choices and it's photo prints) struck a very loud and gorgeous chord with me.I've been obsessed ever since, and only wish they had menswear with this print over it. Especially that landscape print with the giraffe towering up one shoulder.I'm a sucker for a photo-print. Well done Akris. You've got a fan.
***Buy Akris pre-fall from Neiman Marcus (they ship to the UK) or Akris' website***