When the other half proposed to me, actually even before he did, I knew that one firm option for our wedding would be to take it out of London and into the countryside somewhere, in an amazing old manor house, rolling hills view, even the odd sheep dotted around. He wanted exactly the same. Something small, low-key, oldy-woldy but with a slight whiff of Downton Abbey grandeur. Perfect. And do you know how I knew I wanted this? Well, because like most people now, I actually sometimes think I am the Dowager Countess of Grantham herself - Dame Maggie Smith's character in Downton.As you know, we are having our wedding in London now, and we are very very happy about that, but if we were to ever resort back to our original idea, or had to recommend somewhere up in the Dales, Swinton Park in Yorkshire would be in our top choices for out-of-town, country estate wedding amazingness. It is all of the above.Driving up to Swinton and catching a glimpse of the impressive 17th Century ivy-covered castle, I gasped. Then Nik gasped. And as soon as we had caught our breath, we both screamed about how amazing it was. For wedding guests to be this overwhelmed by our choice in venue would please me no end. "But you shouldn't read a book by its cover" I hear you say. I'm not. Believe me. This pile is as impressive on the inside as it is on the outside.
It's charming more than anything else. Even the little circular entrance hall (amazing for pictures) made me smile. And as you walk through to the main reception, the charmingness continues. High ceilings, impressive art work everywhere, original features, that proper English country smell (and I don't mean manure), smiley friendly faces. We were impressed.Strangely, it reminded me a little of Buckingham Palace, insomuch that every room had a different colour theme, a different name and a different air about it. Long runners lined the stained oak floors and that sumptuous, velvet-y wallpaper hung throughout. All, may I add, make for brilliant wedding pictures.I haven't even touched on having your wedding here yet, it's easy to get swept up in the building, as you can see.Swinton Park actually operates as a 30 room hotel. All the rooms are named according to local areas and places of interest. We stayed in the York room, which is probably one of the biggest, and it's HUGE. A massive bed with a lovely ye olde canopy, a separate lounge, original fireplace. It really was gorgeous.
What impresses me the most about Swinton's wedding packages is that there are so many that sound so inviting! The ONE DAY EXCLUSIVE USE WEDDING sample quote I received really is amazing value. Under £19,000 for EVERYTHING, including meal, drinks, evening buffet and all rooms for guests. Here's the breakdown:
Add £1000 for a Saturday, and take off £2000 for Sunday and Monday. Two nights exclusive use are: Tuesday-Saturday £17,995 and Sunday and Monday £15,995 (just the castle, no food etc).Other package options include: non-exclusive use, renewal of vows, The Wedding for Two, Nearest and Dearest, Deerhouse Events, Marquees, Gourmet Wedding and our favourite, the Winter Wedding packages, one actually including mulled wine for all your guests (this place in the snow... OMG!).Room wise, you have a few options too. Now, even though the actual building is large and impressive, the rooms available for your wedding won't hold massive numbers. The Library has a capacity for 100 (and has amazing views), the Panelled room holds up to 60 and Samuel's Restaurant is maximum 120. Like I said, a country wedding is all about smaller numbers. There are other rooms, but they hold even fewer.
The Library
Samuel's Restaurant
The Panelled Room
We ate at Samuel's Restaurant (look here at menus), and we concluded that it was one of the best meals we'd had all year. If this is the standard of food to expect at your wedding at Swinton, you'd be very happy. It was tasty, filling and well presented - usually the three things wedding food is not! What's more, most of the veggies and herbs are grown and picked in the walled gardens in the grounds of Swinton. Such a lovely feature!
I know pictures of food never do it justice, but here's ours so you can see what I mean (when will they invent scratch and sniff screens?)
The last thing I wanted to say about Swinton is that located just next to the impressive castle is a stunning aviary full with gorgeous birds of prey, and as if the above wasn't enough for your special day, they offer, and I'm not joking... HAWK AND BARN OWL RING BEARING!!! That really sold this place to us. We wanted it there and then. Imagine a barn owl delivering your rings? Like something out of Harry Potter. Magical!If that doesn't do it for you, you can have a dove release display after the vows have been said, or just a flying and handling demonstration, like we did...You really must go and see Swinton Park. It's truly a delightful, rustic, proper English country estate that offers SO much for a wedding. As I said at the beginning of this (rather long) post, it's at the top of our list for out-of-town, countryside wedding venues.I would suggest have a look round the website to see if it's what you're looking for first, and then speak to the lovely Hannah Hinchcliffe, events manager, about your special day. You can get her on 01765 680971 or email hannah@swintonpark.com.Check back for more wedding venues soon!