"If I can make a ball gown feel like a pair of sweatpants, then I have succeeded."
But if you think that a pair of sweatpants would ever feature in a Rosie Assoulin collection, you'd be sorely mistaken. Trousers which billow like a gown, maybe. Or a pair with poppers up the entire length of the legs, yes. And lots of pants with dramatic ruffles, cascading down one leg, absolutely.Resort 2016 for Rosie is spectacular. Epic even. For a designer so new to the game (her first collection, Resort '14, was snapped up by three major retailers), this is an incredible feat.Rosie knows her aesthetic. She knows her clientele. And she's clearly confident that what she does, works. If only I was a woman. Believe me, I'll be swanning around in Rosie's voluminous cuts forevermore.I mean, just look...Amazing, right? You just want to keep scrolling, don't you?I can't stop looking myself. And I've been planning this post for a few days now, so you can imagine how many times I've looked at these pics.Those ruffles... can we just talk about them?That bag in the last image... It's just amazing!
Rosie is NOT for the fainthearted. She's no wall flower, and that's why we love her. Street style stars love her. Red carpets owe her a LOT. Her cool-girl fans have been transformed forever.
When Lady Mary, Michelle Dockery, wore Rosie at last year's Emmys, she ended up on BEST DRESSED lists the world over...
And then I found these pictures on Man Repeller. Leandra is friendly with Rosie, and I'm jealous. These pictures are details from the Resort 2016 collection presentation. Take a look...
Epic, right?I thought you'd agree.
Shop Rosie Assoulin below, or click here to pre-order this Resort '16 collection...